
About Me
Build Your Business Brick by Brick

Hello, my name is Gary. When I went into business, I didn't have a great deal of money. The lack of funds meant that I had to buy commercial premises which had seen better days. The roof was leaking, the plumbing was causing problems in the bathrooms and the interior walls were in need of repair. Thankfully, my brother loaned me some money so I could call in some contractors to work on the building before I opened it to my customers. The workmen were great, they carried out a quick but professional repair and I was able to open for business. My business is doing really well and I couldn't be happier with the building. I decided to start this blog to offer advice to others who are considering hiring construction contractors.

4 Options to Consider When Tests Reveal Expansive Soils at a Site

3 January 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

You may be wondering about what options are available to you in case a pre-construction soil test revealed that expansive soils (soils containing large amounts of clay) exist on your lot. This article discusses some of the remedies that can be implemented in order to prevent the problems that can result when you build on expansive soils. Soil Replacement The engineer in charge of your project may recommend that the expansive soil be excavated to a certain depth. Read More …

Labour Hire: The Various Benefits Your Construction Business Would Reap

3 January 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Owning a construction business means having to recruit the appropriate staff to ensure the success of your operations. However, finding a good team can be quite difficult. This is especially true if you have time constraints and need to finish a construction project on short notice. Luckily, there are labour hire companies that can provide you with the staff that you need in a timely manner. Below are some of the various benefits your construction business will repay by outsourcing labour hire. Read More …

Tree Services: The Different Types That You Could Consider

3 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have trees in your backyard, chances are you will require the services of an arboriculturist at one time or another. However, for some homeowners who have moved onto a new property and have never had to care for trees, they may not know where to begin when it comes to seeking tree services. Tree services are crucial in ensuring that your trees are not only thriving but that they will not pose as a hazardous risk of your property. Read More …

Custom Swimming Pool: Crucial Considerations for the Most Ideal Design

3 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are building a new swimming pool or remodelling your existing one, you should consider choosing custom construction. This option is favourable because it will allow you to create a water feature which matches your home's style and design as well as your family's needs and preferences. In general, there are numerous factors that you should evaluate to ensure that the construction project is a success. Here are the most critical design considerations to help you create the perfect custom swimming pool. Read More …

How to Know Whether You Need Commercial Painting or Residential Painting

30 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Although many people may not differentiate between residential painting and commercial painting, there exist a huge difference between residential painters and commercial painters. However, there are some parallels between them, but the difference comes in the job assignments these two painters receive in pertinence to painting jobs. When looking for a painting company to handle your painting project, these two classes may look very similar. Here are a few important question to ask to know whether you'll need a commercial or residential painter: Read More …