Ready For Winter? How To Get Your Air Conditioner Ready For Reverse Cycle

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Build Your Business Brick by Brick

Hello, my name is Gary. When I went into business, I didn't have a great deal of money. The lack of funds meant that I had to buy commercial premises which had seen better days. The roof was leaking, the plumbing was causing problems in the bathrooms and the interior walls were in need of repair. Thankfully, my brother loaned me some money so I could call in some contractors to work on the building before I opened it to my customers. The workmen were great, they carried out a quick but professional repair and I was able to open for business. My business is doing really well and I couldn't be happier with the building. I decided to start this blog to offer advice to others who are considering hiring construction contractors.

Ready For Winter? How To Get Your Air Conditioner Ready For Reverse Cycle

15 March 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Summer is officially over, which means you won't be needing your air conditioner settings anymore. If you were thinking about shutting down the system for the winter, you should rethink that decision. Now's actually the time to set up the reverse cycle, which will ensure that you get plenty of warm air this winter. If you're new to the reverse cycle air conditioning system, and you're not sure how to set things up for winter, read the list provided below. You'll find three simple steps to set up the reverse cycle on your air conditioner. 

Start With Clean Filters

If you're going to reverse cycle your air conditioner and you plan to use the system throughout the winter, now's the time to replace the filters. If you usually shut off your air conditioner during the fall and winter, you might think that you can wait to replace the filter, but that's not the case. Because you plan to use your air conditioner on reverse cycle to heat your home, you need to replace the filters before winter officially arrives. After that, it's a good idea to replace your filters whenever they get dirty. That way, your system works at peak performance throughout the year. 

Schedule a Service Call

If you're like most homeowners, you have your air conditioner serviced at the start of the summer season. Now that you plan to utilise the reverse cycle, you need to change the schedule. To make sure your air conditioner is ready for the reverse cycle, you need to schedule a service call before winter officially arrives. A service call will identify any potential problems that need to be remedied before the cold weather arrives. Failure to schedule the service call could leave you out in the cold this winter. 

Adjust the Thermostat

If you're ready to transition to reverse cycle on your air conditioner, now's the time to make some adjustments to your thermostat. The first thing you need to do is adjust the function. This process should include switching from cool to heat and then selecting the auto setting. This will ensure an efficient flow of warm air. You also want to choose the temperature setting for your thermostat. If you have a programmable thermostat, be sure to adjust the temperature settings to control the heat throughout the day. If you don't have a programmable thermostat, have one installed as part of your winter air conditioner service call. 

For more information on air conditioning maintenance, contact a professional near you.