About Me
Build Your Business Brick by Brick

Hello, my name is Gary. When I went into business, I didn't have a great deal of money. The lack of funds meant that I had to buy commercial premises which had seen better days. The roof was leaking, the plumbing was causing problems in the bathrooms and the interior walls were in need of repair. Thankfully, my brother loaned me some money so I could call in some contractors to work on the building before I opened it to my customers. The workmen were great, they carried out a quick but professional repair and I was able to open for business. My business is doing really well and I couldn't be happier with the building. I decided to start this blog to offer advice to others who are considering hiring construction contractors.

Directional Drilling: A Game-Changing Technique in the Mining Industry

12 February 2024
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

It is important to talk about a technique that's revolutionising the mining and resources sector—directional drilling. This powerful technology is taking the industry by storm, and here's why it's worth looking into.  What's All the Fuss About Directional Drilling? Directional drilling, also known as slant drilling or horizontal drilling, allows you to drill non-vertical wells. One can steer the drill bit to follow a specific path, whether that's straight down, at an angle, or even horizontally. Read More …